Vision Quest for Work and Business

Transform 2-dimensional working into 4-dimensional vision

Vision Quest-based programmes helping you target modern working life and business

 Our MBA-qualified consultants, industry senior managers and coaches have worked hard to develop the application of this powerful personal and life development process, creating an accessible 5-day programme where work-based issues can be the focus you bring with you.  It is appropriate for:

  • Organisations and Businesses
  • Directors, Managers, Leaders and Visionaries
  • Teams and Individuals


Elon Musk – love him or hate him.  But having a remarkable 4-D vision and course of action while all around are still thinking and working in 2-D, has made him the business success he is, and a driving force for the future of humanity.  And the entire vision and mission of Space-X has been distilled into a pure uncluttered three words on his entire workforce’s lips – Go To Mars.

Why use a Vision Quest?

You want to move from ingrained 2-dimensional working to a new 4-dimensional vision. There are 5 things that have set the work of Elon Musk apart from his contemporaries, which we have identified as also being fundamental parts of the Vision Quest process for work and business.


Read more to discover the 5 principles you will work on...

Irrespective of what work related theme or issue you bring to a Vision Quest, these 5 principles relate to everything, whether a whole organisation focus or mission issue, or all the way down to an individual and their role, or wellbeing in the workplace –

  • Building Vision and Scope – far beyond what everyone else is doing or thinking; moving far beyond a simple competitive or reactive fire-fighting approach
  • Removing the blinkers of “Group Think” mentality – Dare to lift your head, see and say something different
  • Single mindedness and focus – Clarity of direction and target
  • Tribe in the Workplace – Belonging – Belief – Ownership – People
  • Formulate and execute immediate next actions …and plan potential massive action to come

In other words, Vision Quest allows you the space within the process to address questions and issues typically relating to common work-based themes – unconstrained:

  • Unblinkered Thinking and Creativity in Role
  • Working with Intention – Direction, Momentum, Target and Resolve in Work
  • Envisioning and Passion – Purpose, Mission, and Vision of Organisations and Teams
  • Staff / Personal Development and Motivation
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
  • Clarity and De-Cluttering in Teams and Individuals
  • Dealing with Change and Making Changes

What will make your organisation better next year?  Your people.

Organisations do not shape the future.  People do.

  And people shape organisations.  Through culture, capabilities, talent and strength of vision.  You want to explore the

move from “we’ve always done it this way” to decisively choosing a new direction

and a new impetus for a new future.

Organisations engaging in the Vision Quest process are entering a crucible.  Be prepared to identify and burn away the impurities and contaminants that divert you, block you, blind you, lie to you, and slow you down.  The impact can be profound.


Become a razor again

as an organisation, or team, or individual in your workplace or business, or indeed your own personal career path – Your professional and work passions and visions are there to be rediscovered, rekindled, re-envisioned, re-forged, and firm “next actions” formulated for when participants return to their daily lives or workplace.


There are hundreds of things that will cause Strategic Drift within an organisation, but the result is always the same: 

The vision gets forgotten, the direction is lost, the busy-ness takes over from the business, and the passion and progress dissolve.


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It’s disturbingly easy to lose sight of the target, and become blocked from progress as an organisation, a team, or an individual.  Or to become lost in the fog and clutter and distractions of “real life” business and organisational issues, email, admin and legislation.

Group-Think can also blinker an organisation and steer it endlessly down a wrong path

fuelled by unquestioning “everyone here accepts this is the way and keeps going” mentality.  You act like Vikings, but the truth is you’re just rowing in the wrong direction, with no compass, no wind in your sail, and you can’t see anything for the fog.  And no-one lifts their head to say “stop”.

RE-ENVISIONING – Launch your spear – Is your Tribe ready? Are you Ready?

Re-Envisioning and re-engaging with what your organisation, business, team, or individual drive and role is supposed to be about is fundamental.  Rediscover a vision and mission.

Or indeed reveal a painful truth, face that truth, and find the bravery to change – to reimagine what that vision and purpose should now be.  Admit that it must be changed and resolve to change it.


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New Vision.  Clear away the clutter.  Get crystal clarity of what you must now be, do and achieve. Reclaim the excitement of your potential and passion and purpose – Vision and Mission. Get back on track – Or find a new track.

Start again.

Target.  Direction.  Aim.  Action with Firm Intention.  Momentum.

Launch your spear.

Are you ready?  Is your business, team, organisation – your tribe – ready?


To book places on our scheduled one-week or two-week programmes, head over to our booking page
Or, if you would like to block-book for your organisation or team, or schedule a separate programme with us, email us directly at:
You can find out more on our FAQ’s or our Blog page.